Faces of Change

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. James 1:17

It’s often said that the only constant in life is change.  That has been true for us this summer.  Within our family: we have sold or are selling four homes, buying three, two families have moved, Marie and I are in the process, our three grandsons have changed schools, Adrienne and Tom just got married, and Adrienne has gone from single woman to wife and mother.  I’m sure there are more changes, but that’s about all my mind can process at the moment.  Most of these changes are intentional.  The boys, however, had no say in the matter, but seem to be adapting reasonably well.  As reflected in our family’s situations this summer, some change is chosen and some is not.  No matter whether we choose change or whether it is thrust upon us without our consent, there are usually benefits that are enjoyed and challenges that cause frustration.  It is incumbent upon us to recognize that both are God’s will for us and must be received graciously and thankfully.

The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8

The choice for Marie and me to move was made rather abruptly one evening a few weeks ago as we discussed our life together…past, present, and future.  In that sense, it was a recent change in thought.  However, as our plans have unfolded, it is clear that God was ahead of us.  A similar discussion a year ago brought uneasiness to my wife as she had no desire to leave our home.  We love this house and have many memories here…good and bad.  However, this time God guided her to a different place.  Now we are united in the desire to move; not because we want to move per se, but rather because we need a more manageable life style.  But this move is not just about us.  God was also going ahead of our buyers who need the right home for their family.  It is God’s timing for both couples.  It is also God’s provision for us in that we are turning the stewardship of our current home, that He has provided and we love, to a couple whom we have come to love quickly.  This makes the transition much more palatable knowing that they appreciate how we have cared for this home and that our neighbors will benefit from this godly couple. We have all chosen change, but there have been hurdles and stress.  There will likely be more, but we see the benefit; we see God’s hand leading and we trust in His provision. God has certainly gone ahead of all of us to provide for both families.  We have no reason to fear.

Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.  Isaiah 43:19

Our grandsons did not choose change; their parents made the choice without their consent.  Similarly, I did not choose a life with chronic illness…nor did my wife.  However, it was our Father’s will for us.  We do not relish the pain, the frustration, my inability to work, nor the uncertainty and challenges that it has brought with it.  However, we have and do see God’s hand at work.  He has shown us that He can provide and sustain in ways that we never imagined.  He has used this undesired change to shape and mold us; to give us more compassionate hearts; to draw closer to Him; and to equip us for service.  While we despise the disease, we love the “new thing” that God is doing in and through it to give us a deeper relationship with Him, to allow us to be conduits of His mercy, and to prepare us for eternity with Him.  In the beginning I begged God to take my life because I could see no way in this wilderness.  However, in His mercy He has shown me that He is faithful and that by His grace I can live and thrive in this desert of sickness.  In the end, it is undesired change with blessings and eternal benefits that I never could have imagined.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.  Hebrews 13:8

I said at the beginning that we are often told that the only constant in life is change.  However, as Christians we know that this is not true…it is the world’s wisdom, but not God’s.  God never changes.  He is ever faithful, merciful, powerful, sovereign, just, and wise.  He has created us, loved us, guided us, and sustained us in every circumstance and He will continue to do so throughout our days as we live to serve Him.  When we rely on His constancy amid the desired and undesired changes of life, we recognize that all change brings joys and frustrations.  How we judge the changes in life is a matter of choice.  When we trust the constancy of God, we are thankful for the joys and trust the trials have purpose and will one day bring blessing.  This is the eternal perspective.  It is the way of our God.  It is the way that allows us to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.

Every good thing

We have not yet found the right home, but we trust that God is faithful and will continue to direct our path.  Both what He will provide and the faith that we have in Him are good things…gifts from above.  It is our choice to trust Him in this time of change.  God has ordained my illness as a significant part of the life of our family as each of us has been affected by it.  However, this too has been a good thing for what it has accomplished in each of us.  The gift of salvation and the revelation of God’s love and faithfulness in our lives are additional gifts for they are what allow us to endure the changes of life with grace, with purpose and with the peace of our Savior. 

May our souls magnify the Lord, and our spirits rejoice in God our Savior.


Postscript:  I trust that you can see from the last few posts that life has been a bit hectic lately.  While there have been many blessings, the effects of the additional activities are beginning to show themselves and I find myself struggling to accomplish what I desire to do.  This post is one of those things.  It is my prayer that God will use this dialog for good despite the fact that I have had to write and edit more hurriedly than I like in the midst of brain fog and weakness. 

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3 thoughts on “Faces of Change

  1. Thanks, Will. I can relate so well to what you laid out in this post. You expressed very well many of the intricate facets of change – and, more specifically, how I view and react to change – that I have been mulling over in the past several months of change in my life. You helped me to better see, crystallize and internalize many of those complex facets. I’m grateful.

    • Norm, you’re welcome and praise God that it was helpful. As we looked at four more houses last night that were not suitable, I was reminded that it is one thing to know the truth and trust God and yet another to live it. May God bless you and Ruth Ann in your transition, relocation and ministry.

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