The Blessing of Social Media

With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.  Ephesians 6:18

When I sang in our church choir, there was an unexpected benefit to facing the congregation.  Sometimes it was while singing and at other times it was while waiting for the announcements to be completed.  Both provided opportunities to see people and be called to prayer.  On some occasions it was because I knew them and was aware of a need; at others it was because their expression or body language indicated that they were struggling during the service…either way, it was an encouragement to bring a request to our Lord.  The reverse was also true as those watching me could tell if I was struggling physically and encourage me after the service.  Social media offers the same opportunity.  Admittedly, I don’t use a prayer journal as some do.  Whether it is laziness or the fact that my health issues require as many “easy buttons” as I can find, I don’t know, but social media works for me.  Many of my friends on line suffer with illness and other trials.   Just seeing their name in my feed is a call to pray for them.   I realize that Paul wrote this passage without any concept of social media, but I wonder about the Holy Spirit thinking ahead as time is no barrier for our Lord.  While many of my friends are opting out of social media for various reasons, consider that reviewing your news feed is both a call and a blessing.

The call is as I’ve described above.  As members of the body of Christ, we are instructed to pray for each other.  As you review the various posts and likes, pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ.  Sometimes it will be specific, at other times it will be general, but it is bringing their needs before the Father just the same.  Then there are your friends and neighbors who don’t know Christ, what better time is there to pray for their salvation.  There are also those on a rant; they most likely have some issue stressing them and could benefit from a prayer for relief.  Don’t forget your silent friends who rarely post but come on line…another opportunity.

Undeniably, I’m part of a group whose sole purpose is to share prayer needs and keep in touch regarding our health issues and other trials.  Using social media as a network for prayer is not original to me.  That said, it has become a great blessing to know that others are praying for me across various countries and continents.  Knowing that we can connect, share needs, pray for each other and interact on other levels and supporting each other as Christians changes the nature of social media.  Further, many provide encouragement through pictures with scripture attached and personal messages.  Time spent is more productive and kingdom oriented.  It’s not that we don’t have other posts, but we are truly blessed by sharing through the internet.

Finally, consider my earlier comments about prayer. You never know who’s praying for you.  Just as God is at work on our behalf even when we feel He is silent, so too, we are often being blessed by the prayers of others without our knowledge.

There will still be stressing posts on social media, there will be inappropriate pictures and sayings from friends and family that you must wade through, but be a catalyst for change.  In addition to the fun and friendly connections that you can maintain, use it to be a tool for prayer and encouragement of others.  Certainly, the same will be done for you.