Time to Check In

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

Conventional wisdom suggests that bloggers post regularly and has many suggestions for getting posts noticed more readily.  While I have desired to post weekly for the last three months, it has not been the case due to various factors.  So while I am still unable to accomplish the desired post, I am able to at least take time to check in.

Recently there have been many demands for my time.  We’ve moved, I have had to manage a variety of contractors to get the house in order, and have a fair number of my own projects to complete so that our home can be unpacked and organized.  A few of those remain.  Immediately following Christmas we traveled to my mother-in-law’s home so that my sister-in-law and her husband could get away and have a break.   While here, we’ve been trying to sort out Mom’s needs and how much help is both available and required.  Today I had planned to write, but last night Mom agreed to have her bedroom moved to make life easier.  Consequently, I spent the day moving.  I’ve also required time to recuperate as I broke out with shingles the evening before we left home. To say the least sorting out the best use of my time and getting everything done has been a challenge.   

As Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us, godly wisdom understands that life is full of things that must be prioritized and we must discern where best to give what we have to offer.  Those of us who are ill have the additional challenge of trying to get our tasks, time, and bodies in alignment.  That has certainly been a problem for me lately.  While I desire to do what God calls me to in caring for my family (immediate and extended), comforting those who hurt, and encouraging those around me as well as managing my own health concerns, I have not been able to do it all lately.   Lord willing, my intent is to return to regular posting.  At a minimum bi-weekly, but I prefer weekly.  Time will disclose the Lord’s will in that.

As we begin the new year, may we all take time to prioritize the tasks before us and spend time with our Lord so that we can discern His desires for the use of our time.  We should not merely conform to the expectation of our culture or those around us, but should rather listen to the direction of our Lord through scripture, prayer, and the godly advice of those closest to us. 

